Serena Defense

Terms Of Service

Modified: September 18, 2022

This Terms of Service ("Terms") governs Serena Defense's Content and Services ("we", "us", "the Company"). The Serena Defense website, apps, and Private Security software are included ("Software").


Accessing the Content or Services signifies that you (or those you represent) have read and understood these Terms. Serena Defense and you are bound by these Terms. These terms apply to all Service users, including paid accounts. Our Service is not available to those who disagree with these Terms.


Serena Defense reserves the right to change these Terms at its discretion. If you consent, we may notify you by email, in-app message, or other means of any Terms changes. Review any such changes. After the revised Terms take effect, you agree to them by using Crest Defender's Services and Content.


Serena Defense prioritizes user privacy. We will not store traffic data, DNS queries, browsing history, or VPN connection destinations.

For customer support, we require email and payment information during registration and purchase. Our Website's Privacy Policy has this information. Please read this to accept the Terms.

We do not share user data with third parties and only comply with court orders.


Serena Defense grants a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use our Service. The Services cannot be modified, distributed, sublicensed, or commercially exploited by users or third parties. Serena Defense retains all ungranted rights.


You must follow local, state, national, and international laws when using our Website, Apps, Software, or Services. When using our Website, Apps, Software, or Services, you must follow these Terms and any applicable laws, regulations, and policies.

You'll keep your Serena Defense account private. Your user ID and password are responsible for all server actions. Contact Serena Defense immediately if your account information is compromised.

Our Service prohibits:

Send unsolicited content through the Service (i.e. "spam").

Distribute illegal, abusive, hateful, threatening, or obscene content that violates intellectual property and privacy.

Distribute, reproduce, upload, download, or post copyrighted content without permission.

Distribute, reproduce, upload, download, or post child sexual content.

Unauthorized access to the Service or its systems or networks (i.e. any form of "hacking").

Use excessive bandwidth for an extended period of time or other actions that overload the network and disrupt other users.

If the Service is used in violation of these Terms or applicable laws, Serena Defense may terminate your account and the Service without notice or refund.


Serena Defense provides this service "as-is" and "as-available" without warranties or representations. Serena Defense does not guarantee Service availability or features. The Website and Services are at your own risk.

The VPN Service's coverage, speed, quality, and server location may vary and be unavailable due to third-party service failure, emergencies, equipment or transmission issues, network limitations, interference, or signal strength. Serena Defense is not responsible for the accuracy, quality, security, and confidentiality of your data, messages, and pages, regardless of Service interruptions or performance issues.

Serena Defense may independently limit usage, suspend the Service, or block certain types of usage.


Serena Defense is not liable for lost profits or special, indirect, incidental, punitive, or consequential damages under contract, tort, strict liability, negligence, or any other legal theory. Serena Defense and its partners, affiliates, subsidiaries, members, officers, and employees are not liable for direct, special, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages, or any other loss or damages, even if advised of the possibility. This limitation of liability is void where prohibited by law.

Serena Defense owns the service, visual interfaces, information, servers, products, software, graphical materials, and other elements.


You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Serena Defense and its employees, members, directors, agents, suppliers, and affiliated companies and their employees, agents, directors, shareholders, and members from any and all claims and expenses, including attorneys' fees, arising from your use of the service and content, including any violation of this agreement. Serena Defense reserves the right to defend and control any matter you indemnify at its sole discretion. Your indemnity obligations remain.